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Stress and the Difference Between Men and Women


Stress and the Difference Between Men and Women

A nagging wife can send a husband to an early grave according to a new Denmark study. "The effect was so strong that it could account for thousands of deaths a year, the Danish researchers suggested. Around 315 extra deaths per 100,000 people per year could be caused by spousal demands and worries, they said (National Post)." The men were age 36 to 52.

Nobody on this earth can stay free from stress. Be it the usual day-to-day work stress, financial or health constraints, relationship stress, pressure of studies or innumerable trivial issues cropping up every now and then that shake our balanced state of mind. Stress, though widely prevalent among all individuals, varies in intensity and responsiveness. Though men and women are believed to suffer from almost equal levels of stress, their ability to handle and respond to it varies considerably.

As women are more communicative and emotional, they tend to discuss their worries or vent out by crying thus, releasing all the stress within and feeling lighter. Men, on the other hand try to deal with it practically finding a solution to the problem but in case they fail to do so they tend to keep things to themselves and try to escape the stressful situations by indulging into alcohol, smoking or other activities to take their mind off for a while hoping for the stress to pass on its own. Thus, the worrisome emotions are kept bottled up inside which can have drastic, long term impact on their health. In case of a stressful marriage, the situation is worse if there is constant nagging by the wife in addition to other stress generating factors. These stress factors tone down the mind and body of the male and since he is not an open person to discuss his emotions easily venting out or releasing of tension does not occur. The lake of venting out his emotions may ultimately lead to depression or other severe illnesses.

Effects of stress

• As males resort to drinking, smoking or too much eating to ease off the stress, it may lead to a variety of chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes, hypertension etc. which can become a cause of their early death.

• As mentioned above, no outlet to the suppressed emotions lead to depression or other mental disorders thus, affecting their livelihood and adding onto the existing stress.

• A recent study also, showed the correlation between chronic stress and development of prostate cancer and thus, stress management is vital for males to keep this dreadful disease away.

• Researches also, reveal that stress and anxiety affects the male fertility and results in less ejaculation and lower sperm count.

• A stressed man can sometimes, get aggressive and impulsive at trivial issues which can cause hypertension or other circulatory disorders apart from affecting the peace of mind and health of other family members.


To help all males manage their stress to avoid serious diseases and early deaths, here are some simple stress buster tips.

Physical exercise can provide the men an outlet to vent out their negative emotions as well as maintain fitness. Men under stress can benefit from vigorous physical exercise or playing their favorite sport to expel the troubling emotions. Yoga and meditation soothe and relax the mind and thus, help to fight stress effectively.

Talking out is the easiest way to manage stress but if some males are uncomfortable talking, they can write down their thoughts to relieve themselves.

So males think about the new Denmark study whenever you are stressed, manage it calmly and thoughtfully and females, try to lesson the nagging or complaining to your men if you want them to have a long life.